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Sunday, May 07, 2006 @ 2:08 PM
^ naMe cOnFusiOn ^

pano bah nman kase c mama, gila, and i were watchin tv... mga bandang 11 nah ata un eh!! hmn, di pah pla nagtatapon ng basura tong c giona!! syeta... hah, kaya napilitan kami ni gila na itapon lahat ng mga yon.

malapet nah kame sa kanto... mraming tao sa bhay ng gf ni fritz, puro boyz. nag-iinumn. hmn, buteh nah lng nksalamen aq, nkitah q clang lahat. at, shckd aq huh?! ala dun ung hnhnp q. 2log nah cguro. buteh nman. gud boi. ang angas ni "francis".

pgblik nmen xempre ddan ulet kme dun sa pngttmbyan nila. hay kaines, bwiset tlgah yang tbchoi nah yan... haha... he's lukin at me, hnithit ang cgarilyo, sbay buga ng pgka-angs-angs!!! put-na nia... letse... "francis"...

pg-uwe sa bhay, bwiset nah bwiset aq, lht nah yta ng action ng naiines ngwa q nah! etoh ang pnknkkgult. he's nme s not "francis" pla... "angelo"... at ung "francis"... c "fritz" pla tlgah un!!! nyahahaha, d q nman kc alam eh... sori fritz!

hrap tlgah ang name confusion noh?

Believe. Or else.
[x o x o]



Gia Reyes


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[Jensen Ackles]

not only is he super HOT, but he's also DEAN WINCHESTER of CW's hit show, Supernatural. It's Dean, guys! common'!

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