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Friday, August 04, 2006 @ 6:13 PM
aCquAinTanCe? aiYt!

SSwhen I hear the word "acquaintance", the first thing that comes to my mind is that... it's a result of some party. so, if you'll sum up, it would look like this:

more party = more acquaintances

woah! equating the two wasn't a good idea after all! it made my explanation more complicated... well, anyway...

the acquaintance party for psychology students, entitled "boogienights '06" turned out very fine. the theme was 70's and most of us looked funky and preppy in our outfits. before I go further with my story, I'd like to show you some snapshots taken before and during the said party...

* SoOloO pic... si Pauline nasa likoOd... eek. hideOous. ;> *

* beFoOre the 70's shOowdOown: coOunter-cloOckwise from upper left-> Ms. Reinalyn Lim, Tel, Tin, Bot2, Joy, Aan, akOo, and Jessie *

* yak. bkit ksma kOo si Gabo? haha! peace Jose Marie! *

oh, heto na, heto na! I'm very excited to tell what really happened that night. but I don't know how to start. okay. here I go...

it doesn't matter how much i'd spent for this. it doesn't matter how much sweat were produced during practice for the 70's dance competition. it doesn't matter how people bluntly stared -from head to toes- on us when they saw our retro outfit. all I know is that, I'm glad I didn't let this once-in-a-lifetime experience pass.

the acquaintace party was made and organized especially for freshmen like me. the 70's-inspired theme set some fire deep within us. the PSYSOC officers prepared prizes for different titles... and guess what? I got the "Early Bird" award!!! yes. I don't want to explain further, basta!

but the highlight of the show was not that. twas the 70's dance competition. little did I know that our supposed-to-be-presentation-only could be a contest "piece". the seniors showcased their dancing skills... and yeah, it made us "shake our groove thing". the juniors, on the other hand, blew our minds with their confetti and garlands. haha. career?. sophomore's performance? quite mediocre (I'm not being boastful here huh?... or am I?) .

how will I say this, eh? the truth was that... we actually won. kudos for us. we made the judges and some trinitians stand on their seats then "rock"! wOoOhoOo! it felt so good. I was the one who choreographed the first part of our dance... and I can say that... the "pain" was well-paid off. finally.

lesson: be patient in times of storm. just believe that sunshine will come soon.

let's celebrate, guys!

Believe. Or else.
[x o x o]



Gia Reyes


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[Jensen Ackles]

not only is he super HOT, but he's also DEAN WINCHESTER of CW's hit show, Supernatural. It's Dean, guys! common'!

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