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Tuesday, June 13, 2006 @ 4:03 PM
FiRst Day V-fResH*eniNg

whoa! what a blast! my first day as a college student was, I can describe, annoying but thrilling.

I woke up... 3 in the morning. oh!!! it's not what you think!!! I ain't excited or whatever, 'twas because of my papa's feet and the travel bag's zipping noise (oh, I forgot to mention that my 'rents would be in Davao for their late vacation) ... ah, when they were gone, kuya cajoled me NOT to sleep. so, I didn't. 4:30, I started my good grooming session. 6, I'm out at home.

I arrived early in TCQC. lots*a students doing lots*a crappy-doos, lots*a teachers doing lots*a wheedling, and lots*a parents doing, well, lots*a etcetera! I saw hundreds of them, maybe thousands!!! haha... that's natural.

room E-4's a bit weeny, but that just suits me. as long as there's an aircon, what could possibly go wrong?

tsktsktsk. the time to start my class for the day supposed to be 7:30, but hell?! we waited for 2 hours... no profs, no anonymous classmate-slash-friend and, no aircon?! damn... the heat's killing me softly... and oh! can someone be with me, please?!

thank the heavens above, I brought V-fresh on my way to TCQC. I kept myself busy chewing all morning, and... at the end, I'd known everybody in that teensy-weensy room of ours.

that's the V-freshening spirit! *wink*

Believe. Or else.
[x o x o]



Gia Reyes


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[Jensen Ackles]

not only is he super HOT, but he's also DEAN WINCHESTER of CW's hit show, Supernatural. It's Dean, guys! common'!

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