Wednesday, August 23, 2006 @
12:28 PM
StOry Of a damSeL... +_+$BlogItemTitle$>
I’m through with heartaches… I’m through with fogyism… I’m through with “purely imagination insanity”…It’s been a while, eh? A damsel’s “love” for someone who didn’t give her much damn faded away. Five years of dreaming is quite long but believe me… she was so into that ages ago. But now, this questionable damsel can carry on with her life without any bitterness in her heart… because number one, she learned how to forgive sincerely; and two, she realized that being fogy was not her game.
With a new environment that surmounts her, she found a fresh start and she had begun her life’s new chapter. People always come and go… continuing their own journeys. And for all these people, she’d noticed one. I want to have a codename: Mr. KJ. So, to point it out, the damsel easily admired this mister but he’s totally out-of-reach… like the one she used to fall in love with. Now, she’s confused, thinking how and why she’d gone to far. The damsel, in return, wanted to have an attention from Mr. KJ… knowing that that action was similar to an inept beseech.
If you’ll gonna ask me who’s that irrational damsel, you don’t have to ask. She’s right in the corner of your hippocampus.