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Friday, March 09, 2007 @ 5:58 PM
Silong Tanglaw Foundation quest? ended.

last wednesday -March 7, 2007- was our last meeting for our NSTP subject... and our last meeting with the kids from Silong Tanglaw Foundation.

I woke up early because I thought we would have a practice for our dance number. unfortunately, El had her "tummy probs" (she had the speakers to be used) and the other members were late (those suckers!) or went straight to the foundation that's why we resort to tambay at the pathwalk near the gym. anyway, no problemo! for I saw Gao in a red cap (wow. he looked really, really cute when he smiled... kahit kalbo! ha, ha, ha). I realized, while watching A Knight's Tale last night, he (my? Gao) had a resemblance on Heath Ledger... ahm, yeah! nice one. clap, clap. maybe it's the nose? or eyes? whatever. this post is about "STF" and not about him, okay? let's proceed.

as we end our "job" there, we -1psy01 and some irregular students- organized a farewell party for the kids. there are games and stuff. we headed there and did our thing. T_T very saddening! the end has finally come.
you know, when they sang their "thank you" song for us... I was touched. what?! yes, honestly. it's as if I want to stay there a little longer... I want them to teach me how their harlem goes! woohoo! galing nila magsayaw... I like them to know me more. eh, wala eh. we have to say goodbye na talaga.
"Ma'am Jenny, fear not, for I'd learned something... that is... to be patient, and to say "thanks" for the little things others had done for my own benefit..."

Believe. Or else.
[x o x o]



Gia Reyes


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[Jensen Ackles]

not only is he super HOT, but he's also DEAN WINCHESTER of CW's hit show, Supernatural. It's Dean, guys! common'!

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