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Wednesday, February 14, 2007 @ 6:10 PM
name that valentine

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today, as you can realize, is valentines day... a day when everyone celebrates through their own mushy-cheesy-puffy-whatever ways (flower-giving, movie-watching, fine dining, etc.). well, even though I don't have plans to go for a "crappy date" this week, I should declare that I consider this "valenday" special.

why? here are some of my absurd reasons:

(*_^) I had a "long, winding (and at the same time, energy-draining) journey" to SILONG TANGLAW FOUNDATION for our NSTP (I got lost, fookiniz! damn those jeepneys!).

(*_^) I now know #13's surname: Gao? or Gaw? whatever. I casually asked sir Gutierrez (our NSTP durog-at-that-moment professor) 'bout it and voila! my day's partially completed.

(*_^) I got the chance to see and sit beside (but, unfortunately, quite far because I felt awkward with) Gao. he's busy talking with Lesver Susi (a varsity, too!). you see? wishful thinking's not bad at all!

although no one gave me roses (hey! I sounded bitter! or do I?)... I still felt the chuva spirit in the air... yihee! In conclusion: I'm contented. Bow, bow!

Believe. Or else.
[x o x o]



Gia Reyes


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[Jensen Ackles]

not only is he super HOT, but he's also DEAN WINCHESTER of CW's hit show, Supernatural. It's Dean, guys! common'!

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