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Saturday, January 20, 2007 @ 5:00 PM
ARGH. Troy should be the "crown prince"

ROYALTY: (their names on Princess Hours) Monique, Gian, Janelle, and Troy.

PRETTY BOY: my "papa Troy" should be the Crown Prince.

this is a statement: I am choosy when it comes to asian novelas. I see to it that the plot's good... and everybody can relate to it.

I'd watched plenty of asian novelas: from the original Meteor Garden (go Jerry Yan!) to My Girl (I had a post in here about Lee Dong Wook)... not to mention GMA's Jewel in the Palace , My Name is Kim San Soon, Dolphin Bay, Full House, Endless Love (wOo! I'm a fanatic of Winter Sonata! ^_^), and others. and if you'd ask me what koreanovela drives me crazy now? obvious ba?! it's PRINCESS HOURS!!! ha, ha, ha.

at first, I thought PRINCESS HOURS was nothing compared to Rosy Life (these two had the same timeslots but aired on different channels), but when my sisters persuaded me to watch... nako! I got hooked up! ha, ha, ha! in time, I learned to appreciate the series... plus, I love Kim Jeong-hoon! wOohOo.

he's Troy... and... basta! he's super-duper-very-highest-level-to-the-max-and-extreme handsome and humble, such a gentleman to girls. hhhaaayyy... argh. he should be the "crown prince", not Gian the "great gay" (I don't like him to be the leading man, he's very arrogant and his body's so thin!!! ha, ha, ha!!! sorry, Gian's fanatics). well, anyway. just see what will happen 'til end (I'd watched on DVD. the ending's fun!)... asar pa rin talaga 'ko kay Gian.

PRINCESS HOURS? five stars.

Believe. Or else.
[x o x o]



Gia Reyes


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[Jensen Ackles]

not only is he super HOT, but he's also DEAN WINCHESTER of CW's hit show, Supernatural. It's Dean, guys! common'!

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