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Monday, November 20, 2006 @ 6:15 PM
InsAneLy WaiTiNg *_*

Today, Jean Alexis Reyes' a month old. let's celebrate!
no. that's not my topic. it's about waiting ---

waiting for someone who doesn't want to reveal his feelings... for someone who do not understand the essence of being in love to someone who's waiting for him. I really don't know what I'm doing... but hmm, okay. I'm being stupid again for him... this is all wrong and I can't take a second-time/second-rate pain anymore. hah! I really don't care if people would say that I'm a masochistic, self-denying idiot who only pushes herself to guys that didn't notice (or didn't want to notice) her in the first place. this is life baby! and I'm a daredevil when it comes to loving inappropriate persons... in fact, it is not wrong to wish larger-than-life... it all comes when you didn't risk your feelings and stay like a "dumb ass" forever.

actually, being in love with a guy friend is the last thing I can do, I'd said in the past. but who am I to guess what will happen in the future? look at me now. I'm pathetic. I'm going sentimental. I'm crazy. I'm overly baduy. yes. love is baduy... and I'm in love. with my friend.

this case is very stereotypical. well, what should I say? ahm. this wasn't my fault... put the blame on my "hypothalamus". nevermind, I'll just wait for him... but 'til december 31 only! ;>

I'd like to share this heart-aching text quote from Pauline:

"mskt mhln ang taong d k mhl, mkkpgod lng umsa. pro kht umws k, my ms sskt p: ang ptgong umsa n bblk xa, hbng hnhnty m ang arw n mtnggp mong wla ng pg-asa..."

Believe. Or else.
[x o x o]



Gia Reyes


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[Jensen Ackles]

not only is he super HOT, but he's also DEAN WINCHESTER of CW's hit show, Supernatural. It's Dean, guys! common'!

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