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Tuesday, November 07, 2006 @ 10:37 PM
BuG on THe lOoSe!

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Oh! What a way to start my second semester as a novice psychologist! *_*

Honestly, I wasn’t “intensified” by the fact that today’s our first day (again) in school since last semester. But, I felt the so-called “butterflies in the stomach”… maybe it’s because I’d missed my new pals, enemies (who?), gimmicks after classes, hot guys, professors (yes! Mr. You-have-a-cheese-on-your-tooth is included in my list), and I’d even missed paper works! Ha, ha, ha!

As usual, first day means no discussions… so we’re itching for fun under the sun! We didn’t see our professor in Psychology, but we had our John Lloyd half-look-alike tutor in English… girls, my blockmates (for goodness sake!), were digging him! Ha, ha, ha! Mr. Mysterious-prof-in-orange white- shirt came for our math subject… and sir ahhh (I forgot his name) was late for our Christian education orientation.

My day could be rated five stars if I didn’t see that stupid J***a* on my way!!! Debbie’s right, he’s a self-absorbing, arrogant pest who could only notice a certain person inside a four-cornered room... what a jerk! Anyway, I didn’t let him ruin my whole day for I know… sensitivity to something unimportant is totally pathetic.

Overall, it’s pleasant to relive every firsts in life… although you’d gone through the same experience before, still, there’s a zeal in you to feel the former sweetness (or agony) of that memoir…

Ahhh, nothing to say! = p

Believe. Or else.
[x o x o]



Gia Reyes


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[Jensen Ackles]

not only is he super HOT, but he's also DEAN WINCHESTER of CW's hit show, Supernatural. It's Dean, guys! common'!

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