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Friday, November 10, 2006 @ 6:51 PM
LaSt seM's AccOmplisHmenT

In highschool grading system, I was classified as the "superior mediocre" type of student: the grades were much too high for an average but could not pass at the lowest grade of a scholar... ha, ha, ha! but anyway, I want to prove to everybody (even to myself) that in college, it would be very different... wouldn't it? well here's the result of my last semester's accomplishment (sorry for a seemingly blurred image, lolz!):

PE101: I don't have any problem with this subject. when there's a dancing "activity"... I 'm one of the leaders who supervise and choreograph for our group, so I got a pretty good grade... hmm... 1.5!

ENGL101: Ms. Hervas was a "charitable teacher" for giving me 1.75. I had so many absents and lates! but I made it sure that my reflections for our next meetings would give an impact to her... do you think that those "super job" stamps (for kindergartens only!) on my paper works were true?

MATH101: 13 1PSY1 students only passed, can you believe that?! and I'm one of them!!! yahoo!!! others will go for summer classes. Boasting aside, I was second to Dominic, who was the highest scorer. hah! lady fate always bring pick-a-boos on us . see how people changes as time passes by. kita mo nga naman! dati ako ang second to the... lowest in mathematics. what a drastic "evolution" of my grades!

FIL101: sheesh! I got 98% in Tinig ng Darating (the poem to be recited that serves as our final examination)! I am proud of this one, you know!

PSYC101: mediocre. this is quite disappointing for one major subject. but it's all right.

SOCIO101: AHEM! one of the questionable grades (for me). I had a case in this subject but, fortunately, I got 1.5. Love ya' mr. Agbing! he, he...

NSTP1: everything's fine... except for the fact that J***a* sucks!

CE101: I also had a case with mr. Salao. put that aside and I'm going to be his bestfriend, lolz!

that was it! my aim was not to show off my achievement on public then boast. I did this on one purpose: to tell the world that if you stive harder to get what you really, really want in life -short or long-time goal- you can succeed. it takes a lot of hardwork, patience, and guts but in the end... it would be paid off. *wink!

Believe. Or else.
[x o x o]



Gia Reyes


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[Jensen Ackles]

not only is he super HOT, but he's also DEAN WINCHESTER of CW's hit show, Supernatural. It's Dean, guys! common'!

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