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Wednesday, October 04, 2006 @ 5:25 PM
"pa'nO na ang naKaraan?"

so okay. it happened yesterday.

revisiting valenzuela is one of my most least priorities right now. urgh, I had a "baby" thesis to revise as a final requirement in socio101, poem to be memorized in fil101, and I need to settle some issues in my CE101 class professor. but, after my 17th birthday (last october 1), I realized... "hey, I have to close my unfinished business there!"

my friend, Merlyn, asked me why I planned to go to valenzuela all of a sudden... and I told her my "fully-constructed" crappy reasons: [1] to celebrate my belated birthday, [2] to see old chums way back g.s. and h.s. days, and [3] to help her see and create a "special bonding" with Daryl.

sm valenzuela was our dating, ehem! I mean meeting place. it turned out just fine... but I'm quite pissed by the fact that we (Merl and I) waited 3 hours for Gulle and 6 hours for Daryl. hmn... yes... we're foursome!!!

I thought my partner would be Guille and Merlyn would be with Daryl... well, that's just only a mere thought... for when the last showed up on female's comfort room, covering his face with a cute, baseball cap-like bag... then presenting a shy grin after unveiling, I knew... the next scenes will alter my hidden agenda.

while roaming 'round sm, I felt the disappointment and at the same time the confusion... Daryl seemed to have an eye for me that night... despite the fact that he's supposed to mingle with Merl. I don't know if his "pahagings" about our past and flirtatious winks and flying kisses on me have something to do with our relationship in the present. It's quite confusing 'cause we haven't talked and see each other for months. anyway... I have to condition myself not to be bothered by this one night affair hassle... and just continue my "operation: DK-Merl linkage"... then surround myself with chains and blocks so I can guard my unwanted? feelings towards him... hmm...

yes... Gia was actually trying to kill all the emotions that Daryl made her feel...

I am guilty... guilty for the reason that I'm using people (whom I call "friends") for my own senseless benefit... guilty for portraying a role of an idiotic jerk in this stupid ploy. I keep on asking myself: "why am I doing all of this mess? there's nothing wrong with me, totally swept off by his darn feet!"... yet, I'm also the one who answered the question: "I have to stay from the very person I used to adore, for in the end our friendship would be at risk". the explanation's deep, I dont wanna dig deeper.

"pa'no na'ng nakaraan natin?" he questioned with his sparkling pair of eyes.

"nakaraan na 'yon... di na dapat binabalikan pa!" I replied, not looking at him.

Believe. Or else.
[x o x o]



Gia Reyes


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[Jensen Ackles]

not only is he super HOT, but he's also DEAN WINCHESTER of CW's hit show, Supernatural. It's Dean, guys! common'!

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